GHANA: Tropical Ulcer Persists Despite Affordable Solutions

Paul Carlucci and Henrietta Abayie

Buruli ulcer is a tropical disease reported in about 30 countries, including Ghana, where doctors are this year predicting about 1,000 cases. Credit: Paul Carlucci/IPS

Buruli ulcer is a tropical disease reported in about 30 countries, including Ghana, where doctors are this year predicting about 1,000 cases. Credit: Paul Carlucci/IPS

GREATAER ACCRA WEST DISTRICT, Ghana, Nov 24 2011 (IPS) – For the past 10 years, Buruli ulcer has been eating Benjamin Essel s leg. The skin above his ankle is totally gone, and a swollen, pulpy and reddish wound rises almost up to his knee and wraps around his calf. Even still, this is an improvement over recent yea…

‘Aid Organizations Must Include the Youth Voice’ August 12, 2022—International Youth Day

NEW YORK, Aug 12 2022 (IPS) – Today marks , a global celebration of the transformative power of young people. Introduced by the United Nations General Assembly in 1999, the event was inaugurated not only to observe the power of the youth voice, but to serve as a promise from those in power to activate the power of youth across the development sector.

Yasmine Sherif

Since then, the United Nations appointed a Youth Envoy, dedicated to the diffusion of the day’s promise, and many aid organizations have followed suit by including the voices of young people in social media campaigns, high-level events, and stakeholder forums.

In 2021, Education Cannot Wait (), t…