HEALTH-AFRICA: If Men Were Dying En Masse…

Miriam Mannak

CAPE TOWN, Oct 5 2009 (IPS) – Maternal mortality rates in Africa constitute a monumental tragedy that requires urgent attention by African governments, health experts say.
More than 250,000 women die in childbirth in Africa each year; many more suffer serious injury. This 20-year-old Nigerian woman developed obstetric fistula after six days of labour. Credit: Dr. Gloria Esegbona/UNFPA

More than 250,000 women die in childbirth in Afric…

VIETNAM: Human Rights, Health: Twin Issues for Climate Change

Helen Clark

HANOI, Nov 11 2009 (IPS) – Vietnam will be one of five nations most affected by climate change. Worst-case scenarios see large parts of the low-lying and flood-prone Mekong Delta area, which produces much of the nation s rice crop, flooded.
A one-metre rise in sea level, predicted by 2100 will affect 10 percent of Vietnam s population (which now stands at 86 million) and 10 percent of GDP lost.

The government could not have been more right when it released these scenarios in August. Many international organisations concur.

As millions are displaced and the potential for vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue to spread grows, health and human rights have become concerns closely related to climate change.

The links between health, h…

HEALTH-ZIMBABWE: Lots of Drugs, No Takers

Vusumuzi Sifile

HARARE, Dec 2 2009 (IPS) – Martha* knows that her two young sisters and her need medicine. She also knows where to get it a clinic a few yards away from her home in Glen Norah, a high-density suburb in the Zimbabwean capital.
But she cannot get the life-prolonging anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs). At 15, the law prevents her from doing so. She can only access the drugs in the company of an adult.

When my mother died in 2007, my aunt used to collect the drugs for us. She has since relocated to South Africa, and our other relatives say they are too embarrassed to be seen collecting the drugs, people will think they are now sick, said Martha.

Martha is among the estimated 158,798 children who are infected with HIV in Zimbabwe.

On November 24,…

HAITI: Agencies Scramble to Avert Worse Humanitarian Disaster

Marguerite A. Suozzi

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 14 2010 (IPS) – The enormous relief effort being mounted in Haiti since a 7.0-magnitude earthquake leveled most of Port-au-Prince is facing a host of difficulties, including bottlenecks at the main airport and lack of heavy equipment to clear debris from streets and roads, aid officials say.
Port-au-Prince residents carry coffins of those killed in the potent earthquake that devastated much of the Haitian capital. Credit: UN Photo/Marco Dormino

Port-au-Prince reside…